Glory to Our Lord Jesus Christ by
L2r gives glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. All Glory belongs to Him.

Great is He who created everything. Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ
Let us praise the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. All belongs to Him. I am no one and who I am is not relevant at all. I just want God to be glorified by many by showing their best ways that they could worship Him.
I’m a mere servant of God who is not worth mentioning at all for without Him I can do nothing. What is important is that God will anoint this site to be a blessing to many hearers and doers of the law. My heart and my concern is to everyone who seeks the truth and wanted to find peace in their lives through gospel music, meditation and some words through the scripture. I will try to the utmost of my ability to impart the knowledge and understanding that was also shared to me by someone dear to me who wishes not to be mentioned as well. I just hope to be a source of inspiration and be a blessing not to all but at least to as many souls as it can be. I know we can not please everybody. But through my collection of lyrics and chords, I may somehow help everyone in their searches and be able to praise our Lord God.
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The church where I belong has been blessed with wisdom and understanding His words. Although in lifestyle and poverty we are more than sufficient. I find it my commitment and burden to be a blessing in whatever ways I could be. Please support and help keep this site stay alive by subscribing and visiting us more.

Welcome to L2r
I will focus on giving encouragements and inspirations to everyone. All glory belongs to Him alone. Please subscribe and visit the site regularly.Â
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless you today.
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